Mr & Mrs Smith

Web / Brand
Hero Image showing an assortment of Website visuals

Conceptual work for a website and brand refresh initiated during my time working for Smith Global as Senior Digital Designer. Mr & Mrs Smith are known as the boutique and luxury hotel experts, with a reputation based on the integrity of their curations and their customer service.

  • Agency
  • Client
    Smith Global Ltd
  • Year
  • Role
    Senior Digital Designer
  • Site

Redefining the brand

Creating a foundation for the Smith Identity was essential before starting work on the user interface. The Pairing of a workhorse font like Proxima Nova with the understated elegance of Playfair Display allowed for a functional, yet aesthetically pleasing framework for the stars of the show: the boutique hotels themselves. An expressive yet purposeful colour palette was carefully chosen to accentuate the lightened Smith Red and provide a restrained backdrop for the written and visual content.

Image showing website visuals for the home page and hotel pages


Embodying the principles set out in the styleguide, the website had to be fully responsive, easy to navigate and decoratively restrained so that the content could shine through. Mr & Mrs Smith's collection of fantastic properties, locations and all the imagery that accompanied it were given a clean canvas on which to enthrall and entice. The designs below show off the main user touch points for both desktop and mobile resolutions. With each page, a strong balance between progressive displaying of content and clarity of purpose had to be struck, all the while staying true to a brand refresh that emphasised the beautiful imagery and curated content that Mr & Mrs Smith has become famous for.

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