Nicholas Kirkwood

Web, UI
Hero Image showing an assortment of Website visuals

Nicholas Kirkwood is a leading British shoe designer who has been crafting distinctly elegant footwear since the launch of his brand in 2005.
Under the creative directorship of Simon Hughes at Design & Build Co. I created a series of templates, components, layouts and style guidelines that had the purpose of showcasing the Nicholas Kirkwood product offering and brand at its uncompromising best.

Setting the foundations

From the outset, crafting the UI would be done in close collaboration with Nicholas Kirkwood and his team, ensuring consistency across pages and views. Design & Build Co. carefully audited existing marketing and brand materials and the previous website to create a basic UI styleguide, from which templates could be created.

Image showing website visuals for the home page and hotel pages

Crafting the website

Elegance, craft, fun and serendipity are central themes to the Nicholas Kirkwood brand. Collaborating with the marketing team and Nicholas, we ensured the typography, use of imagery and layouts of all the pages were art directed to create a sense of ephemeral discovery, and highlight the unique style of the shoes. We also looked at enabling a client log-in area, from which users could manage their current and past orders and choose payment and contact methods.

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